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Midlands Connect is working to decarbonise the transport system in the Midlands. It is developing and prioritising the most important transport investments – the projects we need to support a more productive, prosperous and sustainable Midlands.

At this online Midlands Green Innovation Network event, Bharat Pathania, Head of New Technologies at Midlands Connect will be explaining the future transport strategy for the Midlands and some of the new transport technologies that we could be seeing on our roads and railways and in our towns and cities over the next few years.

Bharat’s presentation will highlight some of the significant changes that we are likely to see in our transport system in the coming years, and will identify potential opportunities for businesses to get involved with the new technologies.

The event will finish with a question and answer session.

About the Midlands Green Innovation Network

The Midlands Green Innovation Network is run by ERA with the support of the Midlands Engine and Federation of Small Businesses. It aims to provide small businesses with information and new technologies and opportunities, and the support they need in order to maximise their potential for innovation.

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