14 events found.
Living Labs – A Net-Zero Heroes event
Virtual eventERA and C-DICE’s Virtual COP world café.
Virtual eventNet Zero Heroes – Early Career Researcher’s Special
Virtual eventHow to Design a Workshop
Loughborough University Loughborough University, Loughborough, United KingdomERA Doctoral Summer Showcase
Aston University Aston University, Birmingham, United KingdomPolicy and Markets for Offshore Energy Storage – Online
Corinthia St George's Bay George's Bay Hotel, Corinthia Street, St Julians, Malta2023 Birmingham Decarbonisation Summer School
Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education, University of Birmingham Birmingham, United Kingdom
The 2023 Birmingham Decarbonisation Summer School will bring together early career researchers from across the ERA, C-DICE and N8 partnerships to form collaborative interdisciplinary teams who will compete to formulate solutions to decarbonising the railway corridor between Birmingham and Peterborough.
Royal Society Large Scale Energy Storage event
Royal Society 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London, United Kingdom
On Weds 8th September, an event was held at the Royal Society in London on the critical subject of Large Scale Energy Storage.
ERA Partner Roadshow at Loughborough University (exclusive event)
Loughborough University Loughborough University, Loughborough, United Kingdom
Exclusive event for any staff or students at Loughborough University only
ERA Partner Roadshow at University of Leicester (exclusive event)
University of Leicester - Space Park Space Park, 92 Corporation Road, Leicester, United Kingdom
Exclusive event for any staff or students at University of Leicester only