Midlands’ universities provide a glimpse into the future of energy for Green GB Week
ERA partner universities are offering a glimpse into the future of energy innovation for Green GB Week

Midlands universities provide a glimpse into the future of energy innovation for Green GB Week!
Next week, universities across the Midlands will be offering a glimpse into the future of energy research as part of Green GB Week.
The universities are all partners of the Energy Research Accelerator, a government funded initiative which supports energy innovation. A number of events, lectures and podcasts will be taking place during the week on subjects including ‘the future of solar technology’, ‘climate change’, ‘value from waste’, ‘energising communities’, ‘nano-science’ and more.
Green GB week, which is taking place across the UK from 15th to 19th October, is a national event which is designed to highlight the opportunities that clean growth offers the UK and to raise understanding of how business and the public can contribute to tackling climate change.
The Rt Hon Claire Perry MP, Minister of State for Energy and Clean Growth, said: “I’m thrilled that we’re holding our first Green GB Week. In the year that marks the 10th birthday of the Climate Change Act, Green GB Week will bring the whole country together to celebrate UK leadership and look forward to the next ten years, where we can seize the opportunities of clean growth.”
Some of the events which ERA partners are organising during the week, include:
Tuesday 16th October 17.00 – 18.00, Future of solar technology: A crystalline material called ‘perovskite’ has seen PV power conversion efficiencies now exceeding the performance of thin film technologies. Could this be the future? Free lecture at University of Birmingham.
Tuesday 16th October, ‘Clean coal is a myth’ Clean heat from coal mines isn’t!’: Alternative, low-carbon sources of energy are urgently needed for the world to be able to reduce CO2 emissions and limit global warming temperature rises. Coalmines are just the place to help with this, despite their ‘dirty’ past. The UKGEOS project in Glasgow is studying low-temperature thermal energy from flooded former mine-works to assess the feasibility of using geothermal energy to provide a low-cost, low-carbon heat source. A new blog from the British Geological Survey is being released on this day, which will explore the potential adoption of this technology.
Wednesday 17th October 1-2pm, ‘Live Environmental Science Nano Presentations’: A host of BGS scientists will be explaining their research projects into climate change, decarbonisation and environmental monitoring. However, with only 2 minutes in which to do so, will they finish their presentation before they are clapped off the stage? This informative and fun set of talks will be live streamed on the BGS Facebook page.
Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th October, Bioenergy Masterclass, West Bromwich, Value from Waste: This masterclass, organised by Aston University, covers the technical and commercial fundamentals of bioenergy and waste systems, and offers new opportunities for businesses in the bioeconomy marketplace including biomass, biorefining, bioenergy, biofuels and biobased products. More information here.
Thursday 18th October 9.00 – 16.00, Energising Communities – Nottingham’s Energy Revolution: Nottingham is the UK’s most energy self-sufficient city and hosts a number of innovative projects. At this event, three community energy demonstrator projects will be presented by project teams focusing on technical systems integration, business models and community engagement. More information here.
Speaking about ERA’s role in Green GB Week, Emma Kelly, Chief Operating Officer of the Energy Research Accelerator (ERA), said: “There is an urgent need for the world to move towards the use of clean technologies to address the issue of climate change. At ERA, we are investing in state-of-the art research and facilities to support the move towards green energy.
“I would encourage business people and members of the public to take a look at the events taking place during Green GB Week, as they provide invaluable insights into new technologies and ideas, as well as practical steps that can be taken to save energy.”
The partner organisations involved in the Energy Research Accelerator are the Midlands Innovation universities of Aston, Birmingham, Cranfield, Keele, Leicester, Loughborough, Nottingham and Warwick, and also the British Geological Survey (BGS).
For more details about Green GB Week, visit https://greengb.campaign.gov.uk/
For more information about the Energy Research Accelerator, visit www.era.ac.uk
Notes to Editors
More information is available from Nick King, Marketing and Communications Manager for ERA, on +44 (0)115 74 86727, or email nick.king@era.ac.uk
The Energy Research Accelerator (ERA)
ERA is a key programme within Midlands Innovation – a consortium of research intensive universities. Founding members were the universities of Aston, Birmingham, Leicester, Loughborough, Nottingham and Warwick, and the British Geological Survey (BGS). The partnership has also grown recently to include Cranfield and Keele universities.
ERA aims to harness the Midlands’ combined research excellence and industry expertise to play a critical role in tackling some of the biggest challenges facing the UK.
Via Innovate UK, the government has committed an initial capital investment of £60m, and ERA has secured private sector co-investment of £120m. ERA’s initial priorities of Geo-Energy Systems, Integrated Energy Systems and Thermal Energy will help deliver the new technologies and behaviours that will open the avenues for its future development and demonstrate the transformative effect ERA can have across the energy spectrum.