ERA Community Fund
ERA Community Fund Events: designed and delivered by ECR.
Projects funded in 2023/2024
Nurturing Sustainable Campus Eco-Systems: Charting a Green Net-Zero Future for UK Universities.
3-4 June 2024, Cranfield University.
Together, let us chart a course towards a green, net-zero future for UK universities, where sustainability is not just a goal but a way of life. Join us for this exciting conference to see how you can make a difference to your campus. Find out more and register here.
Birmingham Decarbonisation Summer School 2024: Accelerating Energy Transition towards Net-Zero.
17-21 June 2024, University of Birmingham.
This five-day event will bring doctoral and postdoctoral researchers together to propose a technical solution and business model for a decarbonisation challenge. Accepted applicants will be pooled into interdisciplinary teams of up to 5 members each and will compete by pitching their proposal to a judging panel by the end of the summer school. The winning team will receive a lot of kudos and a £500 prize to be split amongst the team members. Places are awarded via a competitive application process, application deadline is 28 May 2024. More details on the summer school and the application process are available here.
Just Climate Transitions in the Global South.
Date TBC, virtual event.
During this engaging webinar Charity and Lindha will tell us about the work they have been doing in Kenya to develop an ethical framework to facilitate the alignment of Net Zero policies with concerns for climate justice.
Projects funded in 2022/2023
The Midland’s Journey to Net Zero
13 June 2023, University of Nottingham
The Midland’s Journey to Net Zero Conference was ERA’s first PhD student designed, organised, and led conference funded by the ERA community fund. This in-person conference brought together over 60 researchers, industry representatives, activist groups, and university professional services staff who are interested in finding out about how local communities are working towards Net Zero.
The slides from the day are available here.
2023 Birmingham Decarbonisation Summer School
24 to 28 of July 2023, UKRRIN, University of Birmingham
The Birmingham Decarbonisation Summer School was a five-day event that brought doctoral and postdoctoral researchers together to propose a technical solution and business model for a decarbonisation challenge. Accepted applicants were pooled into interdisciplinary teams of up to 5 members each and competed by pitching their proposal to a judging panel at the end of the summer school. The winning team receive a lot of kudos and a £500 prize to be split amongst the team members.
This year the summer school focused on decarbonising a railway service in the UK, partnering with Ricardo plc, a leading engineering consultancy, who present the challenge and put participants in the seat of a consultant for the week. There were plenty of technical talks by academics and industry experts to help familiarise attendees with the challenges facing railway decarbonisation, and a social programme and team building activities to ensure a fun week for all!
Further information about the summer school is available here